The UPSC Civil Services Exam is one of the most prestigious exams in India. It is conducted in three stages: Preliminary Exam (Prelims), Main Exam (Mains), and Personality Test (Interview). Below is the detailed syllabus for each stage:
1. Preliminary Examination
The Prelims is an objective type exam consisting of two papers.
Paper I: General Studies (GS)
- Total Marks: 200
- Duration: 2 hours
- Syllabus:
- Current Events: National and international significance.
- History of India: Ancient, medieval, and modern history.
- Indian National Movement.
- Indian and World Geography: Physical, social, and economic geography of India and the world.
- Indian Polity and Governance: Constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, public policy, rights issues, etc.
- Economic and Social Development: Sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, and social sector initiatives.
- Environmental Ecology and Biodiversity: Climate change and related issues (no subject-specific expertise required).
- General Science.
Paper II: Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) (Qualifying, 33% marks required)
- Total Marks: 200
- Duration: 2 hours
- Syllabus:
- Comprehension.
- Interpersonal skills including communication.
- Logical reasoning and analytical ability.
- Decision-making and problem-solving.
- Basic numeracy and data interpretation (Class X level).
- General mental ability.
2. Main Examination
The Main Exam is descriptive and consists of 9 papers, out of which 7 are counted for merit ranking, and 2 are qualifying papers.
Qualifying Papers
- Paper A: Indian Language (300 marks) – Candidates must choose a language from the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.
- Paper B: English (300 marks).
Note: Both papers are qualifying with a minimum of 25% marks required.
Merit-Based Papers
- Paper I: Essay (250 marks).
- Candidates need to write essays on topics of general interest.
- Paper II: General Studies I (250 marks).
- Syllabus:
- Indian heritage and culture.
- History and geography of the world and society.
- Modern Indian history (significant events, issues, and personalities).
- Post-independence consolidation and reorganization.
- World history (industrial revolution, world wars, etc.).
- Indian and world geography (physical, economic, and social).
- Salient features of Indian society.
3. Paper III: General Studies II (250 marks).
- Syllabus:
- Indian Constitution (functions, features, amendments, etc.).
- Governance and public administration.
- International relations and foreign policy.
- Government policies and interventions for development.
- Role of NGOs, SHGs, and civil services in governance.
4. Paper IV: General Studies III (250 marks).
- Syllabus:
- Indian economy and planning.
- Agriculture and food security.
- Science and technology.
- Environmental conservation and disaster management.
- Internal security and border management.
5. Paper V: General Studies IV (Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude) (250 marks).
- Syllabus:
- Ethics and human interface.
- Attitude, emotional intelligence, and contributions of thinkers.
- Public service values.
- Case studies on ethics in governance.
6. Paper VI & VII: Optional Subject Papers I & II (250 marks each).
- Candidates must choose one subject from the list of optional subjects (e.g., Anthropology, Sociology, Public Administration, etc.).
3. Personality Test (Interview)
• Total Marks: 275.
• Syllabus:
o The interview evaluates candidates’ personality traits, such as mental alertness, critical power of assimilation, balance of judgment, intellectual and moral integrity, and communication skills.
o Questions are based on current affairs, academic background, and general interest topics.