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Pacific Island Forum 2024

Published On: 2024-09-11




The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) is a leading organization that unites the countries of the Pacific region to address important issues such as peace, security and development.


This platform is becoming increasingly important as global powers such as the United States and China compete for influence in the resource-rich Pacific region.


Why in discussion?


PIF held its annual meeting in Tonga from August 26 to 30, 2024. More than 1,500 delegates from 40 countries participated, reflecting the growing prominence of the forum.


Major discussions included regional security, climate change and geopolitical tensions, with the focus of major powers such as the United States and China.




The Pacific Islands Forum has become a forum for member countries to cooperate on regional issues. With growing interest from global powers, PIF is now a key player in shaping the future of Pacific cooperation and security.


History and membership


Established in November 1971, PIF started with 7 members:


Australia - Cook Islands

 Fiji - Nauru

New Zealand - Tonga

Western Samoa


Over time, the organization grew to a total of 18 members, including countries such as Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. In 1981, the economic cooperation body was renamed the Forum Secretariat, which continues to support the PIF.


Promote regional strength and resilience


PIF's primary mission is to strengthen the resilience of the Pacific region, ensuring peace, security and economic prosperity for its member countries. Climate change, a critical issue for these countries, is central to the forum's agenda.


Conflict Resolution and the 'Pacific Way'


The PIF uses the 'Pacific Method' to resolve disputes, an approach based on building consensus and maintaining strong relationships. The aim of this approach is to ensure a peaceful solution among the member countries, collectively known as the 'Blue Pacific Family'.


Main issues at the 2024 summit


Several important issues were discussed at the 2024 summit:


New Caledonia unrest


Violence continues due to the Kanak people's demand for independence.


Climate Fund


Driven by the urgent need for action against climate change, discussion on creating a climate fund.


Australia's proposal


A regional police training center was proposed to counter China's influence.


Taiwan dispute


While some members wanted to reconsider Taiwan's status as a development partner, the Forum decided to maintain existing agreements.


Growing global interest in the Pacific region


The Pacific region has attracted global attention in recent years, particularly following China's security agreement with the Solomon Islands. As geopolitical tensions increase, the role of PIF becomes increasingly important, and more countries seek to engage with the sector.




PIF has evolved into an important organization for regional cooperation, whose activities are closely monitored by global powers. The forum is now an important player in shaping the future of the Pacific region, especially in the face of increasing geopolitical competition.


Way forward


As interest in the Pacific region continues to grow, PIF will have to adapt itself to new challenges. With more countries demanding dialogue partnerships and geopolitical tensions rising, the organization will play an important role in maintaining stability, addressing climate change and ensuring security in the Pacific region.