Amur Falcon (Falco amurensis)
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•The Amur Falcon (Falco amurensis) travels a massive distance - breeding happens in East Asia primarily, in Siberia and Mongolia, but the wintering grounds take them to South Africa - which makes it one of the migrations taken by any predator.
•The diet of hawks comprises primarily insects though grasshoppers and small birds are preyed on much oftener. They are excellent hunters and can use their agility to chase and catch flying insects.
•Amur Falcon is not endangered now, but with the conservation efforts going on, it continues to improve, and its population is threatened mainly due to habitat loss in some segments of its migration route and hunting in a few places.
Monetary policy
•Monetary policy is the actions of a country's central bank to change the money supply, interest rates, and overall economic activity. Some of its critical objectives include: it maintains control over inflation; stabilizes currency; grows the economy; and finds employment.
•Central banks in turn, use different instruments to carry out its monetary policies, including the operation of interest rate such as the federal funds rate, open market purchases/sales of government securities, and varying reserve requirements amongst other that affect the economy. Lower interest rates will lead to raising borrowing and spending. Higher interest rates on borrowing will be costly and consequently affect inflation.
•Primarily, there are two types: Expansionary monetary policy, which is to stimulate economic activity through lower interest rates and money supply.
Antyodaya Programme
• Antyodaya Programme was actually a programme launched by the Government of India in the year 2000, whose objective was to enhance the condition of the worst-off people through financial handholding. It aims to focus any public social protection programme to the most disadvantaged sections.
•AAY is part of the Antyodaya program and is directed toward focusing especially on releasing cheap foodgrains to the very poor households.
•Targeted households are eligible for getting food items at a highly subsidized cost through the PDS.