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Planning and Management Authority for Compensatory Agricultural Funds (CAMPA)
Under the Supreme Court's orders, the central government established (CAMPA) in April 2004 to manage funds for compensatory afforestation and other recoverable funds in accordance with the Forest (Conservation) Act's requirements and the central government's own.
These remittances are related to Net Present Value (NPV), Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan, Penal Compensatory Afforestation (PCA), Additional Compensatory Afforestation (ACA), Protected Area Management, and Compensatory Afforestation (CA), among other programs.
Payments for (i) compensatory afforestation, (ii) net present value of forest (NPV), and (iii) other project-specific expenses will be made to these Funds.
Of these funds, 10% will go to the National Fund and the remaining 90% will go to the State Funds.
The main uses of these funds will be infrastructural development, wildlife protection, afforestation to make up for lost forest cover, and ecosystem regeneration.
In order to oversee the National and State Funds.
The National and State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authorities are also established by the Bill.
β an initiative to institutionalize participatory governance of a country's forest resources by involving the local communities living close to the forest.
β a co-management organization to foster collaborations between the Forest Department (FD) and forest fringe communities based on shared tasks and responsibilities and mutual trust in forest protection and regeneration.
β started in consonance with the National Forest Policy 1988
β Most of the states in India have adopted JFM
β Under JFM, local communities, and forest departments reach a consensus to establish a committee responsible for managing and safeguarding forests while sharing the associated expenses and benefits.
β One of the key objectives is the rehabilitation of degraded forest lands with people's participation involving the Forest Protection Committee