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Global Hunger Index

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Global Hunger Index


•Globally approx 2.8 billion people out of 733 billion people unable to afford a healthy diet.

•It was first published in 2006 which is annually published to measure and track hunger across the globe.

•The 0 represents the best possible score and 100 is the worst,where each country is classified based on GHI score.


 T-90 Bhishma Tank


 •This tank can move through different terrains like forest,marshy terrain and mountains.

•This tank is well protected with strong protection against enemy fire.

•It is also equipped with advanced composite armor,explosive reactive armor to protect in all weather conditions.


Kappaphycus Alvarezii


•It is a Species of red seaweed cultivated as Its highest content of carrageenan.

•It is locally referred to as Pepsi pasi which means seaweed in Tamil.

•It also serves as an alternate form of livelihood to the fisherman.