Public distribution system and related issues:-
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• Public distribution system and its impact on the National Food Security Act.
•Leakage level: Initially high at 41.7β in 2011-2012 PDS leakages significantly reduced to 22β by 2022-23.
•Causes of leakage include mismatches between the food released by the Food Corporation of India and household purchases recorded by the National Sample Survey. (NSS)
•About the public distribution system:- It is related to ensuring food and nutritional security in India, it helped in establishing food prices and making food available for the poor at affordable prices.
•Issues related to the PDS System in India
1. Identification of beneficiaries: PDS system corruption also involved where beneficiaries are not getting good grains while those that are ineligible are getting benefit.
2. Leakage of food grains:- PDS system suffers from large leakages of food grains during transportation leakages and black marketing by FPS owners.
3. Procurement issues:- procurement and storage issue also created because audit by CAG.
4. Environmental issues like Punjab and Haryana under water stress region, deteriorating soil and water conditions from overuse of fertilizers. Example:- As we can see in the northeastern region the water table went down by 33cm per year during 2002-08.
•PDS reforms:-
1. Role of Aadhar:-Integrating Aadhar with pds will address the problem of inclusion and exclusion faults. •Case Study:-Tamilnadu implements a universal pds system on subsidy. 2. Digitisation of Ration cads:-It allows beneficiary online verification and transparency for their benefit.
3. Use of GPS Technology:-Use of GPS to track the movement of transportation from one place to another place. Example:-Chhatisgarh and Tamilnadu use GPS in transportation to avoid corruption issues.
4. SMS-based Monitoring: allows monitoring by citizens where they are alert by sms system as we can see in Chhatisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamilnadu.
•Way Forward
1. It can be strengthened through public participation through social audits.
2. It strengthens by increasing the participation of self-help groups and NGOs to ensure transparency of pds system.
3. To use bio-fortified food to enhance nutritional level.
4. To use transparency through technology to prevent leakages and create capacity-building and training Programmes from time to time. Assam Accord Context:-Assam cabinet approves implementation of 57 recommendations of clause 6 panel.